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Alien Higgs® RFID ICs


The industry’s most trusted passive UHF EPCglobal™ Class 1 Gen 2 RFID IC’s
- Meets EPC Global Gen2 (V1.2.0) and ISO/IEC 18000-6C:2004/Amd 1:2006 (type C)
- Proven, real world performance
- Large memory or mass-market optimized variants

Product Matrix:

Alien Higgs® RFID ICs Higgs®-3 Higgs®-4 Higgs®-EC Higgs®-9
Type Large Memory Mass-market Optimized Adds Reach, Reliability & Robustness Optimized next-generation large memory
Total Memory 800 bits 512 bits 512 bits 1024 bits
Max EPC Bits 96-480 bits 128 bits 128 bits 96-496 bits
Unique TID (unalterable serial number) 64 bits 48 bits 48 bits
Serialization Yes (chip and non-chip based supported)
Read/Write Sensitivity Very Good Excellent Best-in-class Best-in-class
Read Distance 10m (30ft) 11m (33ft) 13m (42ft)

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