The EM4333 is a contactless Smart Card which integrates vicinity as well as proximity protocols in one chip using same antenna. It makes it usable in wide range of applications.
VICC part supports ISO/IEC 15693 air interface with high level of security of data transfers. EM4333 brings a high security level offering a new open stream cipher Grain128a with key length of 128 bits. Grain cipher supports three pass mutual authentication and Message Authentication Code to ensure security of data transfers.
At the same time it supports also ISO14443 Type A protocol in PICC part which can communicate up to 848kbps in both directions suitable for proximity applications with high speed and high secure transfers. The PICC is operated by CPU 8051 allowing full flexibility given by customer software. The core offers AES-128, DES/3-DES and DMA coprocessors. DMA increases hardware performance for large memory operations.
The CPU is software compatible with the industry standard 8051 8 bits microprocessor, to guarantee the maximum reuse of tested software. The hardware implementation of the core is a modern design not relying on microcode, with an increase of up to 3 times on a standard 8051's clocks per instruction.
The chip includes a total 4kB of Data memory available for user in PICC and/or VICC with a maximum memory space sharing of 4kB between both modes.
EM4333 Solutions:
Access Control, Public Transportation
High value data and Anti-counterfeit protection
EM4333 Features:
Dual ISO/IEC15693 and ISO/IEC14443A Contactless Smart Card
4K Bytes User's data memory shared between both ISO protocols
ISO/IEC14443A protocol CPU Based relying on a SmartCard architecture
64K Bytes Code memory hosting Customer Operating System
3K Bytes XRAM and 256B iRAM
ISO/IEC14443A security enforced by DES/3DES and AES-128 HW crypto engines
ISO/IEC15693 protocol based on State machine architecture
Support ISO/IEC15693-3 standard with an added enriched custom command set
ISO/IEC15693 security based on Grain128A HW crypto engine
Low power Contactless SmartCard operating at a field strength of 0.5A/m for ISO/IEC14443A and 0.05A/m for ISO/IEC15693
Emulator and development tools integrated under Keil uVision 3/4 |